Most Common Types Of Skin Problems And How To Detect Them?

Common Types Of Skin Problems And How To Detect Them


Skin diseases are described as those conditions that affect your skin. Skin diseases can cause itchiness, rashes or sometimes even inflammation. There are some skin conditions which are caused due to lifestyle factors and some are genetic. Treatment of these skin diseases may include the use of medicated creams, ointments and sometimes lifestyle changes. Let’s know in depth about skin diseases and their cure.

What are skin diseases?

Our skin is considered to be a large organ that protects and covers our entire body. It function is to:

  • prevent dehydration by holding the water inside our body
  • Provides sensation to our body, such as temperature or pain.
  • Protects us from infections by keeping out bacteria and viruses from our body
  • Maintain your normal body temperature.
  • Produces vitamin D for our body from sun exposure.

Skin diseases are characterized by conditions that irritates, clogs or gives inflammation sensation to your skin. Skin diseases sometimes cause rashes or other changes in your skin’s appearance.

What are the most common skin problems?

  • Acne or blocked skin follicles that lead to oil, bacteria and dead skin build-up in your pores.
  • Alopecia areata, it’s the condition of losing hair in small patches.
  • Atopic dermatitis dry and itchy skin, these conditions lead to swelling, cracking or scaliness.
  • Psoriasis, a condition where the skin has a swelling and becomes hot
  • Raynaud’s phenomenon interrupts the blood flow to different parts of the body like toes, fingers, causing numbness and paleness of skin.
  • Rosacea: when the skin becomes flushed and there are pimples all over the face
  • Skin cancer: leading to uncontrolled growth of skin cells
  • Vitiligo, patches of skin that lose pigment.

What are some rare types of skin problems?

Most of the rare skin diseases are genetic, it means you inherit them. Some of rare skin diseases are:

  • Actinic prurigo, itchy rash, this is caused due to sun exposure.
  • Argyria, this causes changes in skin colour which is due to silver buildup in your body.
  • Chromhidrosis, this causes coloured sweat.
  • Epidermolysis bullosa is a type of connective tissue disorder that causes fragile skin that blisters and tears easily.
  • Harlequin ichthyosis causes thick, hard patches on the skin that are present since birth.
  • Lamellar ichthyosis it’s a condition where the skin is waxy, and the skin layer sheds in the first few weeks of life, revealing scaly, red skin.
  • Necrobiosis lipoidica, causes rash on the lower legs that can develop into ulcers (sores)

If you experience any of these problems, then it’s better to take a consultation from a skin specialist. In India, Bangalore has some of the famous skin specialists who have years of experience and also treated some well known celebs. Here are some of the best dermatologists in Bangalore, you can visit or also do a video consultation to discuss your skin problems.

What are the causes of skin problems?

Skin diseases can be caused due to certain lifestyle factors that lead to problems of skin disease.

  • If bacteria gets trapped inside your skin pores or your hair follicles
  • When kidneys and immune system are affected
  • When you suffer from thyroid disor
  • Coming in contact with another person’s skin having some infections
  • Genetics factor
  • If Fungus or parasites starts living on your skin
  • Diabetes
  • Over exposed to Sun

What are the symptoms of skin diseases?

Skin disease symptoms vary from person to person, depending on what condition you have. The cause of skin problems or skin changes are not always due to skin diseases. For example, if you wear ill-fitted shoes or new shoes, you can get blisters, but if there are some skin changes that occur with no known cause, they may be linked to an underlying condition.

Generally, skin diseases may cause:

  • A bnormal pigmentation – Discoloured skin patches
  • Dry skin.
  • Skin peeling
  • Rashes and itchiness
  • Rough dry and scaly skin
  • Red, white or pus filled bumps
  • Open sores
  • Lesions

How is a skin disease diagnosed?

Some healthcare providers can diagnose skin disease by visually examining your skin. In case just by looking at your skin the healthcare provider doesn’t get clear answers, in that case your provider may ask you to undergo certain tests such as:

  • Biopsy : removing a small piece of skin to examine under microscope.
  • Culture test where the sample skin is taken to test for bacteria, fungus and viruses.
  • Another test is skin patch test where small amounts of different substances are inserted in the skin to test allergy.
  • There is this wood light test or black light examination where uV rays are used to view the skin’s pigments closely and clearly
  • Diascopy- A skin patch is pressed under the microscope slide to see the colour change of the skin
  • Tzanck test: Here the fluid is taken from the blister to check if the person is suffering from herpes simplex or herpes zoster.

How are skin diseases treated?

Skin diseases can be treated effectively with proper medication. Depending on the condition of the skin and skin type, a dermatologist (doctor specializing in skin) may recommend:

  • Antibiotics.
  • Antihistamines.
  • Moisturizers
  • Some oral medication
  • Application of medication creams, ointments or gels
  • Steroid pill and injections
  • Outpatient surgery
  • Laser skin resurfacing.

By making some lifestyle changes symptoms of skin conditions can be reduced.

  • Avoid intake of certain foods like diary products or sugary food or any other food that the doctor suggests
  • Manage stress.
  • Practice good hygiene, including proper skin care.
  • Avoid excessive alcohol use and smoking.

How can I prevent skin diseases?

There are some skin diseases which are not preventable. You cannot change your genetics or prevent an autoimmune disorder. But if you can definitely treat them by consulting a best dermatologist and following the prescribed treatment. We suggest not to compromise on your skin treatment as a wrong treatment can also cause adverse side effects. Hence we recommend you consult the best dermatologist in Bangalore.

In case of other skin diseases, you can take some precautions to avoid contagious or infectious skin diseases. You may prevent some contagious skin diseases or reduce their effects if you:

  • Avoid sharing cosmetic items
  • Don’t infect objects you use in public spaces, such as gym equipment.
  • Eat a nutritional diet & drink plenty of water
  • Limit contact with irritants or harsh chemicals.
  • Sleep seven to eight hours per night.
  • Use sun protection to prevent sunburn and other sun damage.
  • Wash your hands regularly with soap and water.

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