The extraction of wisdom teeth is necessary when they have not erupted or have only partially, which can cause different problems: pain, infection and inflammation of the gums, displacement of adjacent teeth (malocclusion) or appearance of Cysts or tumors in the jaw.
Extraction may also be required when they have left but significantly alter the bite. In any case it will be the dentist who will determine the convenience or not of proceeding to its extraction.
You should treat Wisdom teeth with the British dentist and Dubai dental clinic, they provide effective and safe oral surgery. The clinic is fitted with state of art equipment and staff are qualified and experienced, having latest methods of dental surgery.
In the case of wisdom teeth have left but are causing some kind of problem that recommends their extraction this will be done by the usual method, after the application of local anesthesia and using clinical instruments to use.
However in the case of teeth that have not erupted or have only partially done it will be necessary to resort to surgery, which involves making a cut in the gum to be able to remove it. Sometimes general anesthesia may be needed to proceed with this type of intervention.
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How is the recovery after the extraction of the wisdom teeth?
The total recovery of the extraction of a wisdom tooth occurs after one or two weeks, depending on each case. After the intervention, in addition to feeling pain, it is normal for the wound to bleed for at least 24 hours. For this reason, a gauze should be applied to it, which should be kept tight for about 20 minutes and should be changed successively as long as the bleeding is maintained.
In the event that the surgeon has had to cut to proceed with the extraction, the wound will be sutured and, therefore, once healed, it should be removed .
However, to facilitate recovery, the following recommendations should be followed:
Take the medication prescribed by the surgeon, usually anti-inflammatories or analgesics and antibiotics. Apply ice on the cheek to reduce pain.
Always keep your head raised above your feet, so when you are in bed you should use pillows.
Extreme oral hygiene, especially in the area where the wisdom tooth was found that has been extracted, which should be done following the instructions of the surgeon.
In the first days it is advisable to rinse the mouth with warm water and salt every two or three hours, which will prevent possible infections and improve wound healing.
Follow a soft diet until the healing process has finished.
- It is advisable not to perform intense physical exercise while the recovery lasts.
- It is not advisable to smoke, at least in the first 24 hours.
- Do not drink very hot liquids.
- Foods that contain small seeds or similar should not be taken, as they can get embedded in the tooth’s sockets and increase the risk of infection.
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Complications after extraction of wisdom teeth
After the removal of the wisdom teeth, some complications may occur, most of them mild and temporary
- Nausea and vomiting as a result of anesthesia.
- Numbness of the mouth in the hours following the intervention.
- Occasionally, although it is rare, some fever may occur.
Having kept the mouth open for the duration of the intervention, it may produce a slight pain in the jaw when moving, as well as dry lips and the appearance of cracks in the lips.
In some cases, by passing the tongue over the place where the extracted wisdom tooth was lodged, the existence of hard prominences can be perceived, which correspond to the bone in which it was inserted. If the problem persists over time, a new intervention may be necessary to eliminate the protuberances.
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